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for the future of experiential learning


Romanian Centre for Experiential Learning

In the fall of 2023, we want to launch the physical space within the Babel campus, and the Profesorescu virtual space. This will be a place where Romanian teachers will have access to training and information materials related to Experiential Learning and Nonviolent Communication, the two pedagogies that are the basis of the Babel School approach.


History: Since its very beginnings, in 2016, Babel School has offered teachers from the community the opportunity to train together with the school team on the two pedagogies that inspire and motivate our efforts. We invited trainers from Belgium, Holland, Sweden, England who shared their experience. We have created useful materials for teachers, materials that are now available in the section Resources on


At the same time, we managed to form at the local level a team of eight Romanian trainers who can pass on the experience of applying these pedagogies in the Romanian education system.

Objective: Scholarship support for 100 teachers to train during the 2023-2024 academic year within Profesorescu (50-hour training program), initiation into Experiential Learning and Nonviolent Communication. Equipping the Profesorescu physical space with the technology and furniture necessary for the proper conduct of the training sessions. Realization of the initial version of the Profesorescu virtual learning space.


Budget: Scholarships worth 250 Euros/person for the 2023-2024 academic year. (total scholarships 25,000 Euro). Equipping physical space, creation of virtual space (10,000 euros).

Time benchmark for reaching the fundraising goal: April 2023

Scholarships for the future

Babel School offers social welfare scholarships and excellence scholarships starting from the 2022-2023 academic year. We will have a total of 8 scholarships that are awarded for two academic years and can be renewed.


History: Since 2016, when we started the Babel School project, we wanted to offer both social welfare and excellence scholarships. And here it is, our dream takes shape this academic year 2023-2024. This is the first year that we offer scholarships at Babel School, to high school students.


Types of scholarships offered annually

Tip Bursă
% din taxa școlară
Excelență - Științe naturale
2 ani
Excelență – Ştiinţe sociale
2 ani
Excelență - Științe naturale
2 ani
Socială 2
A.K. Farrar
2 ani
Socială 1
A.K. Farrar
2 ani
Excelență – Ştiinţe sociale
2 ani

The total value of the scholarships:





Objective: Through the support of partners and sponsors from the Babel High School community, starting with the academic year 2023-2024, we will offer social welfare scholarships to financially support the family and excellence scholarships to celebrate outstanding academic results.


Budget: 13,950 Eur for the academic years 2022-2023 / 2023-2024


Budget: 14,850 Eur for the academic years 2023-2024 / 2024-2025

Budget simulation for 2 years of study – 8 scholarships (3 full fees):

An școlar
Taxă lunară
Nr. burse
Țintă pentru strângerea fondurilor
545 Eur
6 – clasa a IX-a
10900 Eur
Mai 2025
545 Eur
6 - clasa a X-a
10900 Eur
Mai 2026
545 Eur
6 - clasa a XI-a
10900 Eur
Mai 2027
545 Eur
6 - clasa a XII-a
10900 Eur
Mai 2028


European Week of Democratic Education, 6th Edition, October 2023


The European Week of Democratic Education consists of a series of conferences and workshops held by experts in experiential education from the CEGO Experiential Learning Training Centre (University of Leuven), the Dutch Centre for Wellbeing and Involvement in Schools (Tweemonds) and Babel School. They work every day to transform schools into learning spaces that support children’s involvement, autonomy, harmonious relationships, and life skills. Within SEED, they chose to work with all the Romanian teachers who share the belief that things can also be done differently, that it is in their power to bring the well-being and involvement of children in the learning process in every school.


History: In the five previous editions, 35 facilitators, both international and education enthusiasts from Romania, created a space for interaction around the concepts of experiential learning and nonviolent communication. Over 500 teachers, educators, actors, and creators in the field of education learned about new ways of learning that support children’s autonomy, harmonious relationships, and life skills, about how children love learning and about the relationship between well-being and engagement. Each edition also had workshops dedicated to parents.


Objective: 300 teachers will find inspiration for connecting education to life and thus we will succeed in raising more involved school communities and future generations more competent, critical thinking, connected to reality, empathetic, able to understand and solve the problems they face.


Budget: 10,000 euros


Timeline to reach fundraising goal: May 2023 – conclusion of sponsorship and partnership contracts

Book Series

Experiential Education

Experiential Education book series – a  Babel School translation project based on the expertise developed by the KU Leuven Centre for Experiential Education


Experiential education is a book series that aims to facilitate immediate access to the information that underpins experiential education. It provides the necessary tools for understanding and applying this learning model that supports innovation in primary and secondary education.


History: the CEGO (Centre for Experiential Education) – KU Leuven, Belgium, partner of Babel School has been a reference model for research and development in the field of experiential education for 47 years. Experiential education is one of the 5 directions for the future recommended by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).


In Romania, Babel School is the only school that has adopted and adapted the principles of experiential education to the Romanian system. After 6 years of experience with this type of education, our team is ready to share this model with children, teachers, and schools in Romania.


At this moment, we have the consent of the publishers and have obtained the full copyright from Prof. Ferre Laevers PhD, Ludo Heylen, Wilma van Esch. A Dutch translator with over 15 years of experience in the field is part of the Babel School team. The West University of Timișoara and the Publishing House of the West University have expressed their interest and support for the publication of the following volumes:

  • Ervaringsgericht werken (6-12 jarigen)

  • Differentieteren werkt (in basis en secondaire onderwijs)– two volumes

  • Breed evalueren (basis en secondaire onderwijs)– two volumes

  • Grip op competenties

  • Ruimte voor initiatief


Budget: Translation costs are estimated at 6,000 Eur + VAT per volume, and our goal is to translate two titles/year. Editing and lectureship costs are estimated at 1000 Eur / volume 8350 Eur (VAT included) – translation, editing, lectureship expenses.


Copyright costs are estimated at 3,000 Eur/edition/book.


Timeline to reach fundraising goal:

2023 / 11,350 Eur – June 2023 / 11,350 Eur – December 2023

2024 / 11,350 Eur – June 2024 / 11,350 Eur – December 2024

2025 / 11,350 Eur – December 2025


Life Enriching Education Lab

LEE Lab – Life Enriching Education Lab – Innovation laboratory in education organized by Babel School and NVCEd (Nonviolent Communication in Education European Network)


A 5-day European workshop in which teachers from all over Europe gather in Timișoara, in the space of the new Babel school, to learn together about the power of dialogue in education. Trainers from Sweden, Belgium, England, Austria, and Romania support the learning process and the share of best practices from different innovative schools in Europe. The workshop also includes an event for the local community of teachers who have the opportunity to learn the best practices from Europe related to change in education.


History: This workshop is organized annually in different parts of Europe and is a moment of reunion and mutual support for teachers who bring Nonviolent Communication into the school environment from different countries. In 2012, this workshop was organized by Babel in Timișoara, a moment that inspired us to start creating the elementary school. In 2019, our school’s teachers participated in this workshop in Berlin, putting Babel on the map of innovative schools in Europe and finding inspiration for the creation of the Babel High School. LEE Lab is the starting point for many initiatives that turn into reality in different corners of Europe.


Objective: Scholarship support for 5 Romanian teachers. The organization of the free event for the local community of teachers from Timișoara and Timș county.


Budget: Scholarships worth 650 Eur/person including accommodation, meals, and participation in the workshop.


Total scholarship budget: 3250 Eur


Local event organization budget: 4000 Eur


Timeline to reach fundraising goal: December 2022


Life Enriching Education Lab

LEE Lab – Life Enriching Education Lab – Innovation laboratory in education organized by Babel School and NVCEd (Nonviolent Communication in Education European Network)


A 5-day European workshop in which teachers from all over Europe gather in Timișoara, in the space of the new Babel school, to learn together about the power of dialogue in education. Trainers from Sweden, Belgium, England, Austria, and Romania support the learning process and the share of best practices from different innovative schools in Europe. The workshop also includes an event for the local community of teachers who have the opportunity to learn the best practices from Europe related to change in education.


History: This workshop is organized annually in different parts of Europe and is a moment of reunion and mutual support for teachers who bring Nonviolent Communication into the school environment from different countries. In 2012, this workshop was organized by Babel in Timișoara, a moment that inspired us to start creating the elementary school. In 2019, our school’s teachers participated in this workshop in Berlin, putting Babel on the map of innovative schools in Europe and finding inspiration for the creation of the Babel High School. LEE Lab is the starting point for many initiatives that turn into reality in different corners of Europe.


Objective: Scholarship support for 5 Romanian teachers. The organization of the free event for the local community of teachers from Timișoara and Timș county.


Budget: Scholarships worth 650 Eur/person including accommodation, meals, and participation in the workshop.


Total scholarship budget: 3250 Eur


Local event organization budget: 4000 Eur


Timeline to reach fundraising goal: December 2022

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