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Support an innovative
Romanian school


“Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.”
― Neil Postman


Our results so far


children who have gained their wings through authentic learning experiences


state schools teachers connected to innovation in education


parents involved in education and co-creators

Donate for our project

For bank transfer please send all donations to:

Asociația Părinți în Dialog, CIF: RO 35974185


RON - RO74BTRLRONCRT0532752201

EUR - RO24BTRLEURCRT0532752201

opened at Banca Transilvania

Transfer details: Donation fundatiepentrueducatie

Thanks for your support!

See the impact this project can have on education across the country

We want the new Babel School to become a pilot school in the program launched in 2021 by the Ministry of National Education. Thus, this innovative project will be able to serve as a case study in the efforts to improve the curriculum and organization of schools, to change the policies that shape the education of the future.

We are going to document through our own publications an authentic educational model, functional in the Romanian culture along a child’s route through school (grades 0-12).


We aim to annually train 200 state school teachers in order to multiply the effect that pleasure of learning can bring to the Romanian society.

Projects developed in Timișoara

  • Babel School

  • Join Learning and Summer Fun

  • MakerSquad and MakerSpace

  • Grădina prin ochii științei (The garden through the eyes of science)

  • Școala Părinților (School of Parents)

  • Vara Profesorilor Altfel (Summer of Teachers who Make a Difference) and Atelierele Profesorescu (Profesorescu Workshops)

  • SEED (European Week of Democratic Education)

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